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Parents and Guardians

School Council 2022-23

 TBD - Admin Rep

TBD - Teacher Rep 

 TBD - Parent Rep

 TDB - Parent Rep

TBD - Community Rep

 TBD - Community Rep

 TBD - Community Rep


Volunteers Needed and Greatly Appreciated


Are you able to get involved with your child’s school?  Are you interested in helping out?  There are many ways to volunteer at Lourdes Elementary.  You can help out in the morning, during school hours, after-school or even from home.  Here are some ways you can volunteer:


  • Help at the Breakfast Program

  • Help get Warm-ups Ready

  • Organize books

  • Cut out bulletin board displays

  • Photocopy or put booklets together

  • Help organize classroom parties, trips or other fun activities

Volunteering is a great way to support your child’s learning and foster a positive relationship between home and school.  Please think about getting involved today!

Technology Safety


Our school uses computers and other mobile devices in the classroom to help increase student motivation and achievement.  We will use laptop sets, tablets and personal mobile devices on the school’s wireless network to access online resources and applications (apps) to help students meet learning goals.


The use of electronic devices is now a part of daily life for most students.  These devices may help student learning and engage students in the classroom.  Positive behaviors about the proper use of these devices must be set up, followed and monitored.  We would ask parents and guardians to monitor use and to discuss with their students these behaviors. 


Below is our technology policy and a media smart package for parents.


We thank you for your support.

Canteen Items

The following items are available for purchase from our canteen:

Ice Cream Sand.          $1.00

Diki-Cup                       $1.00

Cheese Strings            $1.00

Yogurt tubes                $1.00

Granola Bars               $1.00

Milk (white)                  $0.55

Milk (chocolate)          $0.55

Apple Juice                   $1.00

Orange Juice                $1.00

Water                           $1.00

Baked Chips                $1.50

Vice Principal

Mr. M Burt


Lourdes Elementary 

Box 70                              

Lourdes, NL


709-642-5822 (p)                             709-642-5811 (p)                             709-642-5442 (f)




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