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Lourdes Elementary - 2020-21

Beach Day!



Play ! 

Gr.2 Writing Outside ! 

Grade 2 Classroom Fun

Kindergarten Outdoor Play

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Happy Easter

Grade 5 Science

online learning with Ms. Benoit!

Students learned all about the states of matter when cooking - they observed how the pancake mix (liquid) changed to a pancake (solid) and even saw some cooking steam (gas). 

What other things in our kitchen change state when cooking?

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Grade 2 Math

measurement with non standard units - learning from home!

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Geometry Set

Anti-Bullying Day 

Online Learning: Gr.4 Passion Projects


Lily LeCoure

"I love Marine Biology because I love the mystery of the ocean ... all the marine animals and how much more there is to discover!"


Addison Bungay

"It's a budgie bird"

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Jacob Benoit

"I think Video Games are amazing!"

100th Day of School : Online!

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Literacy Week

Lourdes Elementary had their annual Literacy Week celebrations and check out the fun we all had! 

Cooking @ Home = Learning @ Home

The Kinslow family are learning through baking together! Great job, E.J, Jordan and Brooklynn! 

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Gym Class Challenge: Be Active Outdoors


Autumn and Maddison enjoying the outdoors! 

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Child Reading in the Grass

Science 6: Egg Drop Project

In the Flight unit of the Science 6 course, students study the forces which affect how things fly. These forces are lift, thrust, weight (gravity), and drag.

Our Grade 6 students had to design a device that could carry an egg safely to the ground from the second story of the school. These devices had to generate lift in order to counteract the force of gravity to lessen the impact of the egg hitting the ground. 

Education Week: 3Rs: Renew. Refresh. Reconnect.

Education Week has always been about celebrating education and the importance of learning. The theme for 2021 reflects the current circumstances of all our students and educators and asks participants to focus on the 3Rs: Renew. Refresh. Reconnect. This year’s theme is about renewing our focus on mental health, taking time to refresh after a very stressful year and reconnecting not only with yourself, but also finding new ways to connect with peers. 


As we all know, Mental Health and Physical Health are linked so here at Lourdes Elementary we will be implementing “Wellness Walks” for the rest of the year.  

Teachers can now book the gym for classes to go down and walk or get physically active in the gym. Further to that, we challenge Teachers to use the gym on their prep periods, after school or at lunch to keep themselves well too.

Grade 3 Wellness Walk

Deep Learning in Grade 1 - "#1 Cafe"

Mrs. Fry's Grade 1 class has been busy setting up their "#1 Cafe."  They love to pretend! 


Mr. Johnston visited their class one day and the children “served” him a meal to enjoy.  He had a lot of fun with them and this is where the idea of our Cafe came from.


One morning, they took some time to create a menu based on the pretend food they have in their kitchen. They even added a “Mr. Johnston special."  They worked together to spell each word on the team board in our classroom, and came up with some prices that they thought would work.


Mrs. Fry printed the menus, students colored them, and they were laminated to put on the walls of the Cafe. They created some placemats and added some pretend money. 


They are having so much fun and we are so proud of the deep learning experience that this has created. We have all 6 C's in this deep learning classroom - collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication, character and citizenship - and lots of FUN! 

Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture’s World Fisheries Day Sculpture Contest


The winner of the grade 3 category for theme and great creativity …

Congratulations, Jessie Young!

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Our annual Lourdes Elementary Remembrance Assembly was a little different this year , yet we made sure to pay tribute to those who fought for our freedom. Lest we Forget.




A great, but very chilly day for our cross country run. Our runners practiced hard and had a fun afternoon at the event! Well done panthers!

Tupperware Bottles

have arrived!

All students received their personalized water bottles and they were so happy for them!  

Vice Principal

Mr. M Burt


Lourdes Elementary 

Box 70                              

Lourdes, NL


709-642-5822 (p)                             709-642-5811 (p)                             709-642-5442 (f)




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